かかしの里 ゆぽっぽ
Kakashi no Sato Yupoppo

Relax your mind and body in an outdoor bath with a view of the Kirishima mountains

This hot spring is located at the foot of the Kirishima mountains. In addition to the outdoor bath with a view of those mountains, this hot spring offers a total of 26 different types of bath, both eastern and western style, including a denkiburo, also known as an electric bath or pulse bath, and a bubble or foam bath. The spring water is said to be highly effective at beautifying the skin, and is popular for leaving your skin silky smooth after bathing. The facility also includes a shop selling fresh local vegetables, a restaurant, and accommodations.

Area #Western Region
Category #Hot Springs

Basic Information

Address 889-4602 宮崎県都城市山田町中霧島3340番地2
Telephone Number 0986-64-3711
Related website https://miyakonojo-bonchi.com/yupoppo/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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