Shiratori Hot Spring Ueyu

This hot spring resort area is located far from human occupation on the slope of Mt. Shiratori. The hot spring offers an atmosphere that some might find nostalgic, with it’s scenic outdoor bath that looks down on views of Ebino City right below, and the wooden steam bath that uses natural steam. You can even use that steam to make steamed eggs if you bring your own raw ones with you, something not uncommon amongst Japanese bathers. The hot spring also includes a cafeteria, and guests can spend the night as well.

Area #Ebino City
Category #See & Do

Basic Information

Address 889-4302 宮崎県えびの市末永1470
Telephone Number 0984-33-1104
Related website http://shiratori-onsen.com/wp/up/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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