Roadside Station Kitago

A roadside station featuring freshly caught local bonito and specialty goods

This roadside station offers the largest collection of inclusive playground equipment in Kyushu. They offer a variety of local produce, shochu, and speciality goods for sale. The many gourmet options include a restaurant that serves meals using freshly caught local bonito, and a takeout pizza restaurant offering oven-baked Neapolitan pizza made from scratch.

Area #Nichinan City
Category #Cuisine and Souvenirs

Basic Information

Address 889-2402 宮崎県日南市北郷町郷之原乙1477-1
Telephone Number 0987-32-3256
Fax no. 0987-32-3257

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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