Miyakonojo Shimazu Residence

Learn about the history of Miyakonojo at the Miyakonojo Shimazu Residence

The Shimazu Clan made their mark in history during the drastic changes that occurred in Japan between around 1470 and 1870. This residence is where the family resided in Miyakonojo City from around 1879. The grounds include the main gate, the main residence, a Kendo hall, and the Miyakonojo Shimazu Denshokan Museum that preserves and displays artifacts about the family’s history that were donated by the family.

Area #Miyakonojo City
Category #See & Do

Basic Information

Address 宮崎県都城市早鈴町18-5
Telephone Number 0986-23-2116
Fax no. 0986-36-4019

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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