Miyazaki Jingu

This shrine enshrines Emperor Jinmu, the first emperor of Japan

Miyazaki Jingu enshrines Emperor Jinmu, Japan’s first emperor. As the most popular shrine in Miyazaki City, worshippers believe it offers benefits for family safety, marital bliss, pregnancy, and childbirth. Many worshippers also come to pray for victory in competition or success in school, due in part to the founding myth of Japan involving Emperor Jinmu. In the fall of every year, the Miyazaki Jingu Grand Festival is held, featuring a grand procession that evokes a more ancient time. It is the leading festival in Miyazaki, affectionately known as “Jinmu-sama”.
There are many other events throughout the year that bring back echoes of the ancient past, such as the festival to pray for a bountiful harvest and the impressive Yabusame horseback archery performance.

Area #Miyazaki City
Category #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 880-0053 宮崎県宮崎市神宮2-4-1
Telephone Number 0985-27-4004
Fax no. 0985-27-4030
Business Hours Gate open: 6:00, Close: (October - April) 17:30, (May - September) 18:30
Closed Days No
Price Free
Transport ■ 10 minutes walk from JR Miyazaki Jingu Station.
Carpark Space for 300 cars, free
Related website Miyazaki Jingu

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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