Sano Shrine

Beautiful cedar trees line the longest straight shrine approach in Japan

Sano Shrine is said to have been originally built roughly 2,400 years ago at the birthplace of Emperor Jinmu, the first emperor of Japan.
The area where it is located, Sano, is taken from the childhood name of Sano-no-mikoto of Emperor Jinmu, who is also the primary deity of the shrine. The main shrine was originally located in a place called Oujibaru roughly one kilometer from the present site, but it was moved to its present location in 1610 after being burned to the ground during repeated eruptions of Mount Kirishima.
The straight approach to the shrine, said to be the longest in Japan is lined by about ten beautiful Sano cedar pines that are over 400 years old and designated as a national natural monument.
The Sano Kagura sacred dance that is performed on from the night of the first Saturday of December until the sunrise on the following morning has a history of over 500 years, and is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the national government with the title Takaharu-no-Kanme.

Area #Takaharu Town
Category #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 889-4414 宮崎県西諸県郡高原町大字蒲牟田117
Telephone Number 0984-42-1007
Fax no. 0984-42-1007
Business Hours [Gates open] 6:00-18:00
[Gokigan blessings] 9:00-15:00, Goshuin seals available until 16:00
Transport ■ 8 minutes by car from JR Takaharu Station.
■ About 10 minutes by car from the Takaharu Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Space for about 120 to 130 cars, free
Related website Sano Shrine website
Takaharucho Tourism Association website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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