Ogawa Sakugoya Mura

Enjoy the nostalgic scenes of a former Japan and delicious local cuisine

Ogawa Sakugoya Mura is located in the Ogawa district of Nishimera Village, surrounded by mountains, and the beautiful scenery of a traditional Japanese farming village remains here. The thatched roof sakugoya contain facilities such as a shop and restaurant featuring local goods and produce. The local cuisine is especially famous, featuring local ingredients such as rice, shiitake mushrooms, venison, persimmons, chestnuts, and wild vegetables. The most popular dish on the menu is the Ogawa Shiki Gozen, or seasonal lunch set, that features 16 different dishes on small plates. The premises also include a small museum that introduces the history and culture of Nishimera, and cottages where you can spend the night. Incidentally, Ogawa Hanamiyama (Ogawa Flower Viewing Mountain), located across from Ogawa Sakugoya Mura, offers a chance to enjoy cherry blossoms in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall.
At the end of September every year, a Kagura dance performance called Tsuki no Kagura (Moon Kagura) is held at a venue lit by moonlight and bonfires. The experience of this traditional dance in the mystical surroundings is unforgettable. Ogawa Castle Ruins Park and Mera Shrine can also be found nearby.

Area #Nishimera Village
Category #Tourism Sites #Cuisine and Souvenirs

Basic Information

Address 881-1302 宮崎県児湯郡西米良村大字小川254
Telephone Number 0983-37-1240
Fax no. 0983-37-1240
Business Hours [Sakugoya]
・Shop 10:00-17:00
・Restaurant 10:30-14:00 (Open until 15:00 Sat, Sun, national holidays)
Ogawa Folk Museum
* Operating hours may change, so please inquire in advance.
Closed Days Thursdays (but open when Thursday is a national holiday)
Transport ■ About 1 hour from the Saito Interchange on the Higashi Kyushu Expressway.
■ About 1 hour and 30 minutes from the Hitoyoshi Interchange on the Kyushu Expressway.
Carpark Yes, free
Related website Ogawa Sakugoya Mura website
Nishimera Village tourism information
Nishimaira Village website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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