Inohae Valley

Immerse yourself in the forest and this rare treasure trove of mosses

*Please check the official website before visiting, as some portions may be under construction.

This valley is nestled within a primeval forest featuring such tree varieties as chinquapin, Japanese bay, and oak. The valley is home to no less than 20 different water falls, including a five-fold waterfall. The valley is also known as a treasure trove housing nearly 300 varieties of moss, something not easily found elsewhere in the world, thanks to the steady temperature and humidity in the valley throughout the year. There is also a hiking course of three kilometers in length (the Inohae Valley Road), letting you reach the five waterfalls in about 90 minutes. Furthermore, the healing effect of relaxing in the forests of Inohae Valley has been scientifically proven, earning it a designation as a place for “forest therapy.”

Area #Nichinan City
Category #Nature and Scenery

Basic Information

Address 宮崎県日南市北郷町大字郷之原猪八重
Telephone Number 0987-55-2111(Nichinan City Kitago Community Revitalization Center)
Contact 0987-55-2700 (Gonharu (NPO))
Transport ■ About 15 minutes by car from JR Kitago Station.
■ About 10 minutes by car from the Nichinan Kitago Interchange on the Higashi Kyushu Expressway.
Carpark Yes
Related website Nichinan City Tourist Association website
Gonharu (NPO) (Itsutsu-no-ki Office) website
Forestry Agency website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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