The Sea-Cruz, where wishes come true

Come see mystical scenery woven by nature

This site gained its name of Cruz, or "cross" in Portuguese, for appearing like a cross when seen from above, stretching roughly 200 meters east to west and 220 meters north to south, a shape resulting from waves striking against a massive stone column over the years.
As the combination of this cross with the rock formation adjacent to it looks much like the Chinese character for wishes coming true, it is believed that the wishes of visitors here do, in fact, come true.

Area #Hyuga City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 883-0001 宮崎県日向市細島1-1付近
Telephone Number 0982-54-6177(馬ヶ背観光案内所)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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