Komura Memorial Hall

A memorial museum commemorating the great works of a diplomat from the Meiji period

Komura Jutaro, who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs no less than two times, was a great diplomat from the Meiji period who built the foundation of modern diplomacy in Japan, and is known for working to end the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. The museum offers an easy to follow explanation of Komura’s life and achievements using illustrations and dramatized video. They also introduce the Obi Castle Town using a unique approach, such as touch panels that describe sightseeing routes.

Area #Nichinan City
Category #Tourism Sites

Basic Information

Address 889-2535 宮崎県日南市飫肥4-2-20-1
Telephone Number 0987-25-1905

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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