Sunmesse Nichinan

This park faces the vast ocean and features impressive Moai statue replicas

Sunmesse Nichinan is symbolized by the seven replica Moai statues found here. These Moai statues are faithful replicas of those at Ahu Akivi, and the first to be officially approved by the elders of Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Visitors are allowed to touch them, so you can experience their impressive presence up close.
The spacious park occupying 20 hectares includes a world insect museum featuring displays of butterflies and insects from around the world, panels of world heritage sites approved by UNESCO, and ground murals of butterflies. Located on a small hill beside the Nichinan Seacoast, the park offers a panoramic view of the ocean, and every corner is a great spot for photos, so why not enjoy the many scenic spots as you walk throughout the park.  The many attractive photo spots include a swing set that swings toward the sea and the colorful “voyeurn” statues (a Japanese play on words based on the French word voyeur) of seated observers.

Area #Nichinan City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Tourism Sites

Basic Information

Address 887-0101 宮崎県日南市宮浦2650
Telephone Number 0987-29-1900
Business Hours 9:30-17:00
Closed Days Wednesdays
*Open normal hours during year end and New Year’s, Golden Week, Obon, and national holidays.
Price Adults: 1,000 Yen, junior high and high school students: 700 Yen, children 4 years old and up: 500 Yen
Transport ■ About 40 minutes by car from Miyazaki Airport
■ About 55 minutes by car from JR Miyazaki Station.
■ About 1 hour 20 minutes from JR Miyazaki Station on the Miyazaki Kotsu Bus bound for Obi. Get off at Sunmesse Nichinan and walk about 15 minutes.
■ About 45 minutes by car from the Miyazaki Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Space for 220 cars, free
Related website Sunmesse Nichinan website
Nichinan City Tourist Association website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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