Roadside Station Miyakonojo NiQLL

A roadside station offering some of the best local goods and shochu in Miyakonojo

This roadside station, reopened after renovations in 2023, is easily accessible just five minutes by car from the Miyakonojo Interchange. A wide array of local produce, including meats and vegetables, is available at the spacious farmer’s market in the main facility. There is also a very ample supply of shochu in the shop, as well as a variety of traditional Miyazaki crafts. 
This is a particularly good place to visit for gourmet adventures, with four café courts based on different themes of meat, shochu, fruit, and potatoes, as well as a restaurant featuring a meat-rich menu. 
There is also a plaza featuring a wooden slide and other playground equipment, as well as picture books, where parents and children can play together, making it popular among families with small children.

Area #Miyakonojo City
Category #Tourism Sites #Cuisine and Souvenirs

Basic Information

Address 885-0004 宮崎県都城市都北町5225-1
Telephone Number 0986-38-5529
Business Hours Direct sales shop 9:00-19:00
*For other facilities, times vary by facility
Closed Days January 1
Third Monday every month in January, April, July, and October (or the following day if that day is a national holiday)
Transport ■ About 35 minutes by car from Miyazaki Airport
■ About 40 minutes by car from JR Miyazaki Station.
■ About 35 minutes by car from JR Miyakonojo Station.
■ About 5 minutes by car from the Miyakonojo Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Space for 117 cars
Space for 13 large vehicles
Space for 7 cars at the Omoiyari Parking Lot
Related website Roadside Station Miyakonojo NiQLL website
Instagram account
Roadside Stations in Miyazaki Prefecture (Miyazaki Prefecture website)
Roadside Stations in Kyushu (Website operated by the Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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