Sukimu Land

Enjoy the beautiful nature of the lake with plenty of activities

This outdoor leisure facility is located on Ono Lake in Kobayashi City in the western part of Miyazaki Prefecture. Numerous marine activities are on offer, including standup paddleboarding (easy for beginners - abbreviated SUP in Japan) and kayaking, letting you view the suspension bridge over the lake and the falls flowing into it, an impressive sight when seen close up from on the water. There are plenty of other activities to entertain both children and adults, with e-bikes, children’s bikes, drones, and radio controlled vehicles available for rent. Then, after playing to your heart’s content, you can relax in the hot spring or sauna. For lunch, we recommend the Omusubi rice balls made with locally grown rice, or the slightly more deluxe option of the restaurant in a traditional thatched roofed home that features meals made with local ingredients.
Or if you would prefer to take it slow, there are bungalows where you can have a barbecue and more thatched roof traditional homes available as rental accommodations.

Area #Kobayashi City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Outdoor Sports #Cuisine and Souvenirs #Hot Springs

Basic Information

Address 886-0112 宮崎県小林市須木下田356-1
Telephone Number 0984-48-2480
Fax no. 0984-48-2475
Contact 0984-25-9500
(direct connection to Kajika no Yu hot spring)
Business Hours [Management Office] 9:00-18:00
[Activity Center] 9:00-18:00
[Sukimu Land Hot Spring Kajika no Yu] 10:00-21:00
[Omusubiya] Mon, Tue 11:00-15:00 last order, Fri, Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00 last order
[Karukaya Lunch] 11:00-14:30(14:00 last order)
Closed Days Wednesdays, Thursdays
*The management office is open on Thursdays.
Sukimu Land Hot Spring Kajika no Yu closed 2nd, 4th Thursday
Price Sukimu Land Hot Spring Kajika no Yu - Bathing Fee: Junior high school students and older: 500 Yen, elementary school students: 250 Yen
Transport ■ About 1 hour and 20 minutes by car from JR Miyazaki Station.
■ About 28 minutes by car from JR Kobayashi Station.
■ About 30 minutes from the Kobayashi Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Yes
Related website Sukimu Land website
Kobayashi City website
Sukimu Land Instagram account

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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