Takachiho Farm

Experience dairy farming and interact with animals on this vast farm

Visitors to this vast farm at the foot of the Kirishima mountains can get up close and interact with cows, horses, and sheep. The cow milking workshop is popular with children, and other attractions include tours of the cow barn and horse riding. Visitors can also join workshops to try making their own sausage, ice cream, and butter by hand.
The restaurant and food court offer an abundant assortment of choices such as yakiniku, Genghis Khan (a type of Japanese mutton yakiniku), pizza, and steak, and soft ice cream popular for its rich natural sweetness. If you’re in the market for gifts, we recommend heading over to the shop and its array of original products from Takachiho Farm, including dairy products, bread, ham, sausage, and confections.
A visit to this sprawling farm surrounded by nature will surely be a fun day for the whole family.

Area #Miyakonojo City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Outdoor Sports #Tourism Sites #Cuisine and Souvenirs

Basic Information

Address 885-0223 宮崎県都城市吉之元町5265-103
Telephone Number 0986-33-2102
Fax no. 0986-33-2105
Business Hours April - October 9:00-17:30
November - March 9:00-17:00
Closed Days Irregular
Price Free admission
* There is a separate charge for each activity.
Transport ■ About 1 hour and 10 minutes by car from Miyazaki Airport.
■ About 1 hour and 20 minutes by car from JR Miyazaki Station.
■ About 10 minutes by car from JR Kirishima Jingu Station.
■ About 35 minutes by car from the Takahara Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
■ About 45 minutes by car from the Miyakonojo Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Space for 1,020 cars
Space for 20 large buses
Related website Takachiho Farm
Instagram account
Miyakonojo City website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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