Amanoyasukawara, Amanoiwato Shrine

The site of the famous Japanese myth, Amanoiwato

Amanoyasukawara is a large cave located just 10 minutes walk from Amanoiwato Shrine and is the site of a famous Japanese myth. The myth holds that when Amaterasu-Omikami, the sun goddess, hid behind the stone door (the Amanoiwato) of the cave, the world became wrapped in darkness and numerous disasters struck. It is said that the riverbank here is where the other gods gathered to discuss how to bring back the light. It is said that if you pile some stones and make a wish, then the wish will come true, so the cave is filled with countless stacks of stone, making it a spiritual power spot.
The Amano Iwato Shrine enshrines that Amanoiwato door behind which the sun goddess hid. It is said that the gods caused a great commotion outside the cave to lure Amaterasu-Omikami out, thereby bringing back the light. Two shrine buildings, the Nishi Hongu and Higashi Hongu, are located on either bank of the Iwato River, and Amaterasu can be found enshrined in Nishi Hongu. Prayers can be offered guided by the priest 15 times per day. So why not visit this site of the famous Japanese myth, Amanoiwato?

Area #Takachiho Town
Category #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 882-1621 宮崎県西臼杵郡高千穂町岩戸
Telephone Number 0982-74-8239(Amanoiwato Shrine)
Transport ■ About 10 minutes on foot from Amanoiwato Shrine Nishi Hongu

[To Amanoiwato Shrine]
■ About 13 minutes by car from Takachiho Bus Center.
■ About 10 minutes by car from the Hinokagefukasumi Interchange on the Kyushu Chuo Expressway.
Related website Takachiho Tourist Association website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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