Omi Shrine

This auspicious power spot stands on a scenic site overlooking the vast ocean

Omi Shrine, where Amaterasu-Omikami the sun goddess is enshrined, sits atop the columnar rocks of Cape Hyuga, offering an uninterrupted view of the Pacific Ocean. One of the features of the grounds of the shrine is the largest collections in Japan of “Sazare-Ishi” or “sazare stones” that are mentioned in the Japanese national anthem.
Today the shrine is known as being particularly auspicious as the place where the Japan rugby team came to pray during their Miyazaki training camp before achieving their historic victory.

A shrine called Udo Shrine can also be found in a cave located after a short walk towards the east of the grounds. This place is believed to represent a remnant of belief in a dragon god, because when seen from deep within the cave, the entrance presents the shape of a rising dragon, making this place rich with an ancient atmosphere. 

Area #Hyuga City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 883-0062 宮崎県日向市日知屋1
Telephone Number 0982-52-3406

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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