Mount Atago Observatory

Beautiful night views in the holy land of love

The Mount Atago Observatory is located on Mount Atago, a mountain with an elevation of roughly 251 meters, located in central Nobeoka City. The observatory offers a panoramic view of the city and the Hyuga-nada Sea. The impressive views here have made the spot famous throughout Japan, specifically the beautiful nighttime views of the city and moon. If conditions are good, you can see the light of the full moon shining on the ocean, creating a path of light across the waves.
Legend has it that Mount Atago is where the god Ninigino Mikoto and the goddess Konohana Sakuyahime of Japanese mythology met and got married. There are bell and heart shaped monuments here commemorating that myth, making this a popular date spot among younger visitors. There are also four different shrines nearby, including Atago Shrine, which are visited by worshippers seeking to find the right marriage partner.

Area #Nobeoka City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 882-0871 宮崎県延岡市愛宕山
Telephone Number 0982-29-2155(Nobeoka Tourist Association)
Transport ■ About 20 minutes by car from JR Nobeoka Station.
■ About 20 minutes by car from the Nobeoka Interchange on the Higashi Kyushu Expressway.
Carpark Yes (free)
Related website Nobeoka Tourist Association website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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