Aya Teruha Suspension Bridge

This large suspension bridge spans one of Japan’s largest laurel forests

This large suspension bridge crosses the Ayagawa Gorge in the Kyushu Chuo Sanchi Quasi-National Park. It is one of the largest pedestrian bridges in Japan at a height of 142 meters and a length of 250 meters. Crossing the bridge offers a thrill as though you are walking on air, and a massive panoramic view of the spacious sky along with one of Japan’s largest laurel forests (a type of subtropical forest) right before your eyes.
Aya Town, where the Teruha Suspension Bridge is located, is registered as a Biosphere Reserve under UNESCO's "Man and Biosphere Program," and approximately two kilometers of nature paths offer visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the forest beyond the bridge. There is also a roughly three hour course where you can observe the valuable flora of the laurel forest on foot, accompanied by a guide (advance reservation required, guidance in Japanese only).  Visitors can also learn about the laurel forest and the creatures living there at the Lucidophyllous Forest Museum, located close to the bridge.

Area #Aya Town
Category #Nature and Scenery

Basic Information

Address 880-1303 宮崎県東諸県郡綾町南俣5691-1
Telephone Number 0985-77-2055
Business Hours 8:30-17:00 (8:30-18:00 during summer)
Closed Days No
Price Adults and high school students: 500 Yen
Elementary and junior high school students: 350 Yen
Younger than elementary school students: Free of charge
Transport ■ About 50 minutes by car from Miyazaki Station.
■ 35 minutes by car from the Miyazaki Nishi Interchange on the Higashi Kyushu Expressway.
■ About 1 hour from Miyazaki Station on the Miyazaki Kotsu Bus to Aya or Shusen no Mori. Get off at Aya Machiaijo (Aya Waiting Area) and travel about 15 minutes by car.
Carpark Yes
Related website Aya Town website

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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