Udo Jingu

One of the leading shrines in south Kyushu with the main shrine hidden in a cave

Udo Jingu features a beautiful and colorful vermillion-lacquered main shrine building within a cave on the cape that juts into the sea. This is one of the main shrines of southern Kyushu, located on the Nichinan Seacoast in southern Miyazaki. The shrine has long been loved by the locals and is believed to offer blessings for safe childbirth, child rearing, and marriage. Worshippers here can try a famous challenge involving tossing an Undama, or luck ball, to make their wish come true. Men use their left hand and women their right to throw the ball towards a rock called Kameishi, or turtle rock. In this custom called “Undama-nage”, If the ball enters a depression on the rock, then your wish will come true. The approach to the main shrine offers a beautiful view of the Hyuga-nada Sea, while rocks of many forms surround the cape as they accept the powerful beating of the waves. 
 Meanwhile, if you walk for about 20 minutes out the shrine gate from Udo Jingu, you will arrive at Namikiri Shrine. This place is considered a power spot, where the torii gate and tiny shrine, located in a cave right up against the encroaching sea, evoke a fantastic and spiritual atmosphere. We recommend wearing shoes with good grip when visiting, as the rough path to the shrine weaves through rocky terrain and you can slip easily.

Area #Nichinan City
Category #Nature and Scenery #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 887-0101 宮崎県日南市宮浦3232
Telephone Number 0987-29-1001
Business Hours Gate open
Price Grounds free of charge
Transport ■ About 45 minutes by car from Miyazaki Airport.
■ About 1 hour by car from JR Miyazaki Station.
■ About 1 hour 30 minutes from JR Miyazaki Station on the Miyazaki Kotsu Bus to Obi. Get off at Udo Jingu and walk about 10 minute.
■ About 50 minutes by car from the Miyazaki Interchange on the Miyazaki Expressway.
Carpark Space for 400 cars, free
Related website Udo Jingu

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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