Mt. Takachihonomine (Amanosakahoko)

A spiritual mountain where the history of Japanese mythology intersects with beautiful nature

Mt. Takachihonomine is one of the main mountains of the Kirishima mountain range, and serves as the location for one of the founding myths of Japan. A bronze spear, known as Amanosakahoko, stands at the peak. It is said that when the gods of Japanese mythology descended to Miyazaki, they thrust this spear into the ground. 
The sacred mountain features two climbing courses, known as the Tenson Korin Course and the Futagoishi course, both of which offer a chance to enjoy walking along the ridgeline.
Climbers can see a variety of different alpine flora depending on the season. The view is covered entirely in pink from late May through mid June with the blooming of the Miyama-Kirishima azalea, or Rhododendron kiusianum. The spot is popular with climbers for the autumn leaves in the fall, and the first sunrise on New Year’s day.

Note: While it is currently possible to climb Mt. Takachihonomine, Mount Kirishima (Shinmoedake) is an active volcano. Please check the latest information before visiting.

Area #Takaharu Town
Category #Nature and Scenery #Mythology and History

Basic Information

Address 宮崎県西諸県郡高原町
Telephone Number 0984-42-4560(Takaharucho Tourism Association)
Fax no. 0984-42-5655
Transport ■ About four hours from Kirishima Higashi Shrine via the hiking trail to the peak.
■ About three hours to the peak via the hiking trail from the Mt. Takachihonomine trailhead parking lot (No.5 Sabo Dam), which is five minutes by car from Ojibaru Park.
Related website Takaharucho Tourism Association website
Miyazaki Prefectural Government Office official website (information on volcanic activity of Kirishima)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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