About this website

This page contains various information, such as our privacy policy, cookies policy, and system requirements 

About our organization

Miyazaki Prefecture Tourism Association

3F Miyazaki Green Sphere Ichibankan (KITEN building), 1-10, Nishiki-machi, Miyazaki-shi   880-0811

TEL: 098-526-6100 FAX: 098-526-6123


We pay careful attention to ensure all the information on our website is accurate, but there may still be changes to the information due to various reasons. We do not guarantee the information on this website is correct.
Please be aware that we do not bare any responsibility for damages, etc., caused from using this website.
The names of companies and products on this website are general trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.

*QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated.

Protection of Personal Information

We take the utmost care when handling personal information. Registered personal information is managed appropriately with necessary measures in place, and we ensure it is secure.

We will not use any of the personal information registered on this website for purposes other than those stipulated, or share or release said information to third parties, except when required to by law, when there is an illegal activity such as illegal access to the website, or other cases that require special reasons. However, we may disclose statistically processed information such as access information to this site and user attributes.


In principle, the copyright for all the text, images, etc., on this website belongs to the Miyazaki prefectural government. It is prohibited to use or repurpose any of the information on this website without permission.
Using the contents of this website will require permission. However, using the contents for personal use is permitted.


People are welcome to create links to this website and do not require permission. However, there may be changes to the contents of this website, except for the top page, without prior notification, so please ensure you link to the top page only. In addition, we do not permit link settings that display this website within a frame.

Access Log

This website records when people access the information on it as an access log. The access log contains such information as what browsers are used, when the website was accessed, domain names, IP addresses, but does not record any information that can be used to identify individuals. The access log is used for surveys, research, and analysis of this website, and will not be used for other purposes or shared with third parties, except when the operators of this website deem it particularly necessary. However, when required by law to disclose access logs, we will only disclose the minimum required information.


Some pages on this website use cookies. 
Cookies are information that is sent from the server to the user's browser and stored on the user's computer in order for the website providers to identify the user's computer. Cookies allow us to collect information such as the number of visits from the user's computer and the pages visited.
Furthermore, we do not use cookies to collect information that can identify individual users, and we will not provide information to other companies unless required by law or with the customer's consent.
However, if the information is provided through joint use or outsourcing, this does not constitute disclosure or provision to a third party.
You can disable the cookie function in your browser settings, but you may not be able to use (display) some of the functions on the website.

About Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics in order to track the usage of this website.
Google Analytics uses cookies to gather user information.
Please see the Google Analytics website for explanations regarding the terms of use and privacy policy for Google Analytics.
We do not bear any obligation to explain the service use of Google Analytics.
In addition to our own cookies, this website may use third-party cookies for purposes such as posting advertisements and data analysis.
For more information, please see "How Google uses information from websites or apps that use our services."

Google Analytics (external link)
Google Analytics Terms of Use (external link)
About how Google uses the information gathered from websites and applications using Google's services (external link)


Please inquire below if you have any questions about the content of this website.

Miyazaki Prefecture Tourism Association
3F Miyazaki Green Sphere Ichibankan (KITEN building), 1-10, Nishiki-machi, Miyazaki-shi   880-0811
TEL: 098-526-6100 FAX: 098-526-6123

We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. If you continue to browse, you accept the use of cookies on our site. See our cookies policy for more information.