A tour of the best restaurants to enjoy in Nishitachi, the largest entertainment district in Miyazaki-0

A tour of the best restaurants to enjoy in Nishitachi, the largest entertainment district in Miyazaki

Nishitachi is the first place anyone thinks of in Miyazaki when they talk about entertainment, but Nishitachi is just the nickname for the area, so you won’t find it if you search on a map. In this article, we’ll tell you all about how to get to Nishitachi and the gourmet foods and “Snack” bars you’ll find when you get there. You’ll be able to enjoy Nishitachi to the fullest if you read to the end!

Nishitachi, the number one entertainment district in Miyazaki!

More than 1,500 restaurants and bars are located in the area around Nishitachibana Street in this, the largest dining district in Miyazaki city, located in the city center. The locals have given the area the affectionate nickname of “Nishitachi”. The compact streets are literally packed with plenty of places for your barhopping needs, including Izakaya style eateries offering delicious local snacks, stylish bars, standing bars, and restaurants serving everything from yakiniku to Italian cuisine. You will find the atmosphere at many establishments welcoming even when you are alone, and you are sure to find one or several that meet your fancy.


Enjoy “Dareyami” in Nishitachi!-1

Enjoy “Dareyami” in Nishitachi!

“Dareta” is the word for “tired” in the local Miyazaki dialect, a word that is normally “tsukareta” in standard Japanese. And there’s another word, “Dareyami”, which refers to the act of having the first drink of the evening to dispel the feeling of “Dareta” and relieve yourself of the fatigue of the day. So why not visit Nishitachi and enjoy Dareyami yourself?

How to get to Nishitachi

It takes about 13 minutes to walk to the Nishitachi area from Miyazaki Station. There are numerous hotels and other accommodations nearby, so we recommend getting a room close to Nishitachi. And if you tell the taxi driver that you want to go out drinking in Nishitachi, they’ll take you there, where both sides of the streets are lined with numerous warmly colored lanterns. 


The townscape of Nishitachi-1

The townscape of Nishitachi

The warmly colored lanterns that adorn the area of Nishitachi are changed four times per year, or once per season, to lanterns of different colors, and numerous events are held throughout the year. Incidentally, three different spots in Nishitachi are decorated with the handprints of professional athletes who are either from Miyazaki or have connections here, so take a walk around the town and see if you can find them.


Ninjo Yokocho.-1

Ninjo Yokocho.

Ninjo Yokocho is an area packed with small and inexpensive izakaya bars serving delicious food! A wide variety of individually operated izakayas covering a range of genres line the back alleys, offering a sense of nostalgia to many local diners.

Still haven’t had enough to drink? Hit one of the venerable Nishitachi bars!

If you still want to have a bit more to drink after dinner, we recommend one of the area’s many bars. There are numerous venerable historic and retro bars in the area, such as Zokuningen and Nominoichi, and the oldest in Miyazaki, Akarenga (Red Brick), founded in 1956. So why not immerse yourself in the nostalgic mood while raising your glass at a bar that has watched over Nishitachi throughout its history?

Dive into the Miyazaki “Snack” bar culture!

There are many so-called “Snacks” in Miyazaki, which are small bars usually with just a counter where the owner standing behind it serves drinks and light snacks, and Nishitachi is known as the number one Snack town in Japan. Most Snacks offer reasonable prices and hours, and cover a wide range of styles, whether they’re known for their tasty snacks, for their bar-like atmosphere, for having Karaoke available, or where you’re served by a male owner (“master”) rather than the more common female owner (“mama”). The typically thick doors prevent prospective customers from seeing inside, so entering for the first time may seem intimidating, but if you work up the courage to step in, you will be greeted with open friendliness even as a first timer.


If you’re not sure where to try first, head over to Snack Iriguchi (Snack Entrance)-1

If you’re not sure where to try first, head over to Snack Iriguchi (Snack Entrance)

Snack Iriguchi is a snack bar launched to introduce other snack bars. We recommend visiting this snack bar if it’s your first time and aren’t sure where to go. The Mama and other staff here serve as a snack advisor. They listen to your preferences and then guide you to the snack right for you. In Miyazaki, it’s a given that you’ll barhop between several snack bars in a single night.

This dish is how you should close out the night in Nishitachi!

In Japan, there is a culture of closing out the night with a serving of a rice dish or ramen after an evening of heavy drinking.
The preferred closer varies between each region, so in Nishitachi, why not choose a closer typical of Miyazaki?

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